PROJECT 25 (P25)

If you work for a Police, Fire, EMS, or other public safety agency, you know about the importance of Project 25 (P25), the suite of standards for digital radio communications for use by federal, state and local agencies in North America.
The P25 standards for interoperability affect many things about the way you construct your radio system. You need a system design that meets these demands.
Tactical Public Safety serves a large number of public safety agencies and we know P25. We can design, implement, service and maintain a P25 system for you, and we do it with uncompromising customer service. With Tactical Public Safety, your P25 system will be designed and executed to be as dependable as the services your department provides.

Access tomorrow’s technology today with a base station that seamlessly integrates with your existing systems, while giving you the flexibility to build the solution that’s right for you. Communicate across any network. Manage and update your system from anywhere. Compact units with customizable layouts will save you space, energy and money. With hardware that is rugged, resilient, and protected around the clock, you’ll never second-guess your connection.
Like all Two47 solutions, the Two47 Base Station is:
- Open — Engineered for interoperability and access anywhere, any time
- Adaptable — Designed to be configured to your needs and budget
- Unstoppable — Fortified for unflinching reliability and security

Designed for simple and efficient dispatch operation, the Symphony Console allows dispatchers to communicate clearly and efficiently in fast-paced missioncritical environments.
With an innovative, highly reliable hardware platform, the console is compact, silent, and easy to install and maintain. Symphony was designed to address dispatch center issues by improving the dispatching experience. Patented Baton™ technology maximizes productivity by allowing dispatchers to tailor their work environments to meet their needs.
Dispatchers arrange their most utilized functions in a custom interface to optimize workflow. Multiple screen configurations can be created for scenarios ranging from crisis situations to shift changes.

Conventional – Mastr III
Not everyone uses radios for public safety and not everyone needs a P25 Radio System. In fact, many types of radio users – hospitals, educational institutions, construction crews, conference centers and shopping malls, among others – are served well using a conventional radio system. From a financial perspective, conventional radio systems represent a cost saving over more complex and feature rich trunked systems.
With its broad customer base, Tactical Public Safety has brought the convenience, efficiency, and low cost of conventional radio systems to countless customers. We can implement, design, service and maintain your system, as we’ve done in a wide range of industries. And there’s nothing conventional about our top-notch customer service, which doesn’t stop until you say the job is done right. Rely on Tactical Public Safety for high quality performance from your radio system.

Conventional – Mastr V
The MASTR V provides the flexibility to commission a base station that will meet critical communication needs today and into the future.
The MASTR V incorporates P25 digital voice and data using a digital signal processor for maximum design versatility. P25 digital voice is translated through an on-board voice encoder/decoder in the station to allow immediate access to P25 communications through the user’s existing network.
As network needs expand, the MASTR V station is ready to grow to meet the communication requirements of the 21st century. The MASTR V enables IP voice and data packets to be sent over a L3Harris P25IP network and be received at the base station. This setup enables all of the advantages of IP.

Public safety agencies have alternatives to meet the technical and regulatory requirements of their radio systems. OpenSky, a digital system with increased capacity and broad interoperability, is one such option. OpenSky is a proven technology used on the state, county, and municipal level throughout the Country. In fact, it’s utilized statewide in Pennsylvania.
As a leading L3Harris dealer, Tactical Public Safety is highly skilled in the implementation, design, service and maintenance of OpenSky systems. We can install your system, and we back it with customer service that doesn’t quit. With Tactical Public Safety designing and executing your OpenSky system, the sky is the limit for your communication possibilities.

As an alternative to conventional radio, L3Harris DMR represents a cost effective, efficient way to introduce radio communication into your organization. Using 2-Slot TDMA Technology, L3Harris DMR meets narrow-banding requirements while providing two talk-paths per narrow-band RF channel. Repeaters, mobile, portable, and control station radios round out the offering.
Trusting your communications needs to the right supplier is an important decision. Meeting coverage expectations, proper system design, high quality installation, and maintenance services that represent true value are real considerations. Tactical Public Safety delivers on these requirements and more. Contact Tactical Public Safety today and speak with one of our representatives. You’ll see that customer service and attention to detail – your details – is not a lost art.